Archive | December, 2013

Seasons Greetings!

18 Dec


Another Successful Bingo Night at Brownridge!

13 Dec

What a fun evening at Brownridge yet again – Bingo night had such a great turnout last night!

Thank you to all of the families and students who came out to have a great time!

Please SAVE THE DATE – January 16th will be our Movie Night…Details to follow in the new year.

Have a safe and enjoyable break!!

Brownridge School Council

Brownridge Helping Hands for the Philippines

12 Dec

In light of the tragedy that is currently unfolding in the Philippines, students at Brownridge have been collecting money to support relief efforts. Led by the Voice Team, students have taken part in the Helping Hands campaign. The Helping Hands initiative is a Board-wide campaign that has been developed to support classes and schools that are interested in doing something to assist.

Each day, the Voice Team is sharing announcements providing the students of Brownridge with information about how the Philippines has been affected by the typhoon as well as encouraging them to donate a toonie or non-perishable food items. Each person that brings in a toonie is provided with a hand. The hand represents that students are lending a hand to support those in need. The hands are decorated and displayed around a map of the Philippines in the front foyer to show our support. Our hope is to raise enough money to cover the entire map of the Philippines.

As parents, you can address this issue with your child. Remind your children that their help can make a difference!

Thank you for your support.

The Brownridge Student Voice Team

Google Apps for Education (GAPPS)

12 Dec


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We recognize the importance of digital literacy and its potential to engage students in meaningful communication and collaboration. As a result, the York Region District School Board is providing and managing access to the Google Apps for Education service for staff and students. This service, referred to as GAPPS, may be used by your child’s teacher to complement the learning that already occurs in our classrooms on a regular basis.

For more information click here




10 Dec

bingo dec 2013

Reminder: A Night of Hope for Sarah Watkin (December 6/13)

5 Dec

Dear Brownridge Community,

Sarah Watkin and her family are a part of our Brownridge/Frechette community, and the community is once again rallying together to support Sarah’s fight against leukemia. Please spread the word for this important cause.

A Night of Hope for Sarah

40% off Cyber Monday Sale Today and Tomorrow (Mabel’s Labels)

2 Dec

CYBER MONDAY SALE – 40% OFF SELECT MABEL’S LABELS!! ON NOW (sale ends Tues. Dec. 3rd at Midnight!)

Now is the perfect opportunity if you’ve been thinking about it, to buy the labels and at the same time help bring a percentage from each purchase back to our school!

Mabel’s Labels are perfect for boots, hats, mittens, winter jackets, reusable water bottles, backpacks, pencil cases,  and so much more! With the holidays coming up – what a great gift this makes for anyone on your list!

Please visit and shop. Please use only this link as it includes our Brownridge code in order for money to come back to the school. Cyber Monday Sale ends Tuesday Dec. 3rd at midnight but the school fundraiser is active until Dec. 31st.

To view the flyer please Click Here.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Brownridge School Council