Archive | September, 2018

Tomorrow at Brownridge- Orange Shirt Day and the Terry Fox Run

27 Sep

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for curriculum night. We had a great turn out. This is just a reminder that:

  1. The Terry Fox Run is happening tomorrow. Please bring in your toonie for Terry or a donation of any amount that helps support the Marathon of Hope and Cancer research. 
  2. Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. The orange shirt has become a symbol of a national movement that recognizes the suffering of Indigenous children at residential schools across the country and to show a renewed commitment to ensure that every child matters. As the campaign embraces the phrase “Every Child Matters” we hope that you will support this campaign and wear orange.

The Brownridge Team

Westmount CI information session

26 Sep

Westmount is hosting a parent information session for families of grade 8 students going into grade 9. Click Westmount Gr. 9 Info. Night FLYER 2018 for more information.

Be in the know! Here’s what you need to know…

21 Sep

Happy Friday Brownridge! Here is the info you need to know!

  1. Monday, September 24 is a PA Day. There is no school for students.
  2. Hot lunches are now available to order on School Cash Online. The last day to order is Wednesday, October 3. Don’t delay, order today. (Please note the update in correct dates sent in an email to all Brownridge families). 
  3. Today students participated in a Terry Fox Assembly. They learned about courage, strength, and perseverance. They learned about the Marathon of Hope and about making a difference. The Brownridge Terry Fox Run is happening on Friday, September 28. We have a fundraising goal of $2500 and we are hoping to make a significant contribution to cancer research. Please consider donating to this worthwhile cause. 
  4. Tryouts for intermediate volleyball are happening this week and next week. 
  5. We look forward to seeing you at curriculum night on Thursday, September 27 at 6:30. Click Curriculum Night Letter 2018-2019 for more information.
  6. Join us on Monday, October 1st at 6:30pm in the library for our first school council meeting. 

Have a great weekend!
The Brownridge Team

Hot Lunches – Date Correction

21 Sep

We have received a number of calls regarding hot lunches and there may be some errors with dates.  Please disregard the dates listed in each option and take note of these dates only:

 Pizza: Friday                          October 12, 19, 26              November 2, 9, 16, 30                December 7, 14, 21

 Chicken Fingers: Monday             October 15                            November 12                                December 3 

 Pasta: Monday                            October 29                            November 19                                 December 10 

 Subs: Monday                                                                             November 5, 26                             December 17




21 Sep

Interested in Bill Crothers Secondary School?

Information Night Dates:  Thursday September 27th and October 2, 2018.  Applications will be available from their website October 3, 2018. Applications are due:   Friday October 26, 2108

Please click Bill Crothers Information Night for more information.



Math Fundamentals- Grades 1-8

20 Sep

Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math, Grades 1-8

The Ontario government recently released a parent fact sheet and a teacher’s guide on Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math in grades 1 to 8.  In the guide, teachers are asked to focus attention on expectations from the Number Sense and Patterning strands of the current math curriculum and  are also asked to focus on student understanding and sense-making before formal methods, such as using traditional formulas, are introduced.

York Region teachers have always worked to develop strong number sense, computational fluency and automaticity with math facts while supporting student understanding of underlying concepts.  All educators in our board continue to support students in becoming confident problem solvers who use mathematical knowledge, skills and processes to be contributing members of a changing society.  

In order to support  your child with math at home and in day-to-day life,  the math page on our board website lists useful websites, activities and games that you can reference and use.  Thank you for the important role you play in the creation of confident problem solvers.

Math is everywhere!

September is a great time to start building routines at home which can support children in developing a positive disposition towards math. Providing opportunities at home that promote math talk can support a child’s mathematical knowledge and understanding.  Whether you are, shopping, cooking, playing a game, organizing, taking a walk, or reading, there are many opportunities to highlight math in different ways.


Primary – Grocery Shopping

Ask your child to estimate how many of a grocery item (for example, a type of fruit or vegetable, bread or pet food) your family will need for the week.

Ask, “Why do you think that amount will be needed?”

At the end of the week, have your child count the number actually used.

Junior/Intermediate – Budget Challenge

Give your child an imaginary budget to spend at his or her favourite store (flyers or online catalogues may be helpful). Without writing down the amounts, have your child choose items to purchase. He or she will have to use estimation to stay within the budget. Then, have your child add up the actual costs. Did she or he stay within the budget? For a challenge, help your child estimate any taxes.

Tips for Math

  • Build strong, positive attitudes about math. When children feel positively engaged and successful, they are more likely to stick with an activity or a problem to find a solution.
  • Begin with activities that meet your child’s level of mathematical understanding. Early success in solving problems will build your child’s confidence. Gradually move to activities that provide more challenge for your child.
  • If you and your child are more comfortable in a language other than English, use it. Your child will understand concepts better in the language that he or she knows best

(Doing Mathematics With Your Child, Kindergarten to Grade 6: A Parent Guide)

To find out what your child will learn in math this year or to find other fun activities that you can do together as a family, please visit  Be sure to also try our Problem of the Month

Hot Lunches on Sale TOMORROW!!!

20 Sep

Good afternoon Parents and Guardians,

 Hot lunches will be going on sale TOMORROW – Friday September 21.  They will be available to purchase until Wednesday October 3.  Please ensure you sign up on School Cash Online if you have not done so already to take advantage of this offer.  If you are having difficulty signing up, please contact Mrs. Sacke, 905-660-3083.

 Please note: We have set up Monday hot lunches a bit differently this session: subs, chicken fingers and pasta will be sold as separate options (in the past they were offered together).

 If you miss the deadline will we not be able to add your child(ren) to hot lunches once School Cash Online closes.  In this case, you will have to wait until the winter session opens some time in December.  It is very important to remember that if you choose not to buy hot lunches you must always send a lunch to school even if your child would like to purchase an item on a Monday or Friday as we sometimes run out.   

We highly recommend you print or save your confirmation receipt so that you can verify your purchase went through (sometimes things are added to the cart and then the next step of payment is forgotten).

 The first hot lunch day this year will be Friday October 12 for Pizza.  Please keep track of the following dates for fall hot lunches:

 Pizza: Friday                          October 12, 19, 26              November 2, 9, 16, 30                December 7, 14, 21

 Chicken Fingers: Monday      October 15                        November 12                                December 3 

 Pasta: Monday                         October 29                        November 19                                 December 10 

 Subs: Monday                                                                       November 5, 26                             December 17



Be in the Know at Brownridge…Sept 18/2018

18 Sep

Here is some info to know….

  • The driveway in front of the school is for buses and emergency vehicles only. It is not a drop off/pick up zone. Please park your car on the street if you are walking your child on to the tarmac or to kindergarten (same for pick up). Alternatively, if you are dropping off your child, please do so near the curb on the right of the driveway entrance before the first pylon and exit through the car parking lot. Please drive slowly and safely as our students are precious.
  • Birthday Celebrations- Please do not send in food products to celebrate your child’s birthday. If you would like to do something in honour of your child you can purchase a book for the class library or send in pencils/erasers, etc.
  • Students in grades 4-8 have begun to participate in Cross country at Brownridge. What an amazing way to engage in healthy living!
  • This week and next week students in grades 7 and 8 will have opportunities to try out for volleyball. Good luck everyone!
  • By now you should have received forms about lunch time and after school programs. If your child is interested please return the forms asap as spaces fill up quickly.
  • Thank you to everyone who has offered their time on Mondays and/or Fridays for the hot lunch program. Things are being organized and coordinated (Thank you Rhonda) and you will receive information about hot lunches soon.
  • Information about our Terry Fox run will be coming home soon. The run is taking place on September 28th.
  • Next week is safety week. Students will participate in bus evacuation training, a fire drill, a lock down drill and a hold and secure drill.

Have an awesome day!

The Brownridge Team

Curriculum Night at Brownridge.. September 27th- save the date!

17 Sep

Curriculum night is happening on September 27 starting promptly at 6:30pm. Please click Curriculum Night Letter 2018-2019 to read more information about how the evening will work.

Be well,

The Brownridge Team

Be In The know- Here’s your Brownridge Info…

7 Sep

Week one is done and we are thrilled with the transition back to school. Students have already begun to settle into routines, make new friends and consider how they will become difference-makers!

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Our welcome back assembly encouraged students to think about how they can make a difference for those in their class, in their school, in their community and beyond. We also reviewed school rules and expectations related to technology use, hands-on/off behaviour, bullying vs. conflict, and treating everyone with respect.
  2. Our new theme song this year is “We’re all in this together” from from the movie High School Musical. We will continue to promote risk taking and the importance of making mistakes….and we are all in it together to build on our learning and achieve success.
  3. Students were challenged to think of a club they would like to start. They were told to think of something they are interested, come up with a plan, speak to Mr. Gold about it and then find a teacher to supervise. This is just one way we encourage student leadership and voice.
  4. Our Student Leadership Club met for the first time. A huge number of students in grades seven and eight came out to determine how they can get involved in different ways in school life.
  5. We continue to need Lunchtime assistants to work one hour per day to supervise students at lunchtime and recess time. If you are interested please contact Karen in the office at 905-660-3083. This is a paid position.
  6. Walking or Cycling to School- As we start the 2018-2019 school year, we would like to remind and encourage families to consider walking or cycling with children to and from school. There are many benefits to walking and cycling to school. It:

    Improves student academic performance by making children more alert and better prepared to learn.

    Contributes to the daily goal of 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity for children, improving their health and overall fitness.

    Reduces traffic congestion and improves safety for everyone in school zones.

    Promotes life-long habits that foster independence and active lifestyles, preparing children for their future.

    For those who can’t walk or cycle to school every day, choosing active travel once, twice or a few days a week can still provide benefits. You can also consider parking a block away from the school and walking the rest of the way. Include active travel as part of your daily routine!

  7. We would like to wish all of our families who celebrate Rosh Hashanah a Chag Sameach. Enjoy your apples and honey!
  8. Our first school council meeting is taking place on Monday, October 1st. (It was originally scheduled for September 17 but has been changed due to a conflict). We hope you will join us in the library at 6:30pm.
  9. Cross Country will begin shortly. Info will be shared on the announcements in the morning and then made available on the television in the front foyer.
  10. Curriculum night is happening on Thursday, September 27 at 6:30pm. More info to follow.

Thank you for an amazing first week and for all of the warm greetings! We are looking forward to an awesome 2018-2019 school year with you!

The Brownridge Team